Questions & Answers

Really ? No 3rd Party VST Support in Artist

+1 vote
asked Aug 4, 2019 in Studio One 4 by stevej2 (170 points)
edited Aug 4, 2019 by stevej2
After recently purchasing Studio One 4 Artist I was horrified to find it doesn't support 3rd party VST's without purchasing an addon at over 70 euros. Magix music software is half the price and supports them. Mixcraft is 3/4 of the price and supports them and i'm sure there are some free DAW's that support VST's (update) Cakewalk by Bandlab for example. At anywhere between 97 euro and 120 euro it's quite unbelievable that it doesn't support them and to be honest the software is useless to me now and I would rather spend the addon price on one of your competitors software rather than around 170 euros' for artist and it's addons just to get VST support it's just crazy to be honest. Would you buy a new car without any wheels ?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 7, 2019 by frankrasmussen (1,040 points)
Maybe Next time you should read what you're buying before doing so. It's not like they keep it a secret that can only be unlocked by buying.
0 votes
answered Aug 7, 2019 by stevej2 (170 points)
Maybe frankrasmussen you should stop being a smart alec. Any user would expect a DAW of over 100 euros to support 3rd party VST's out of the box and I can't think of another DAW that doesn't. But I'll remember next time to check any Pro Audio software for what it CAN'T do. And the next time I'm in the supermarket I'll be sure to check all the ingredients of every item I put in my trolly just in case I can't use it for cooking. Thankfully I didn't pay the full price. Bandlab here i come.