Questions & Answers

"Insert Time in Loop" function in Studio One

+3 votes
asked Aug 5, 2019 in Editing by torlindberg (260 points)
Studio One gave a really neat feature called "Delete Time in Loop". I can access this by right clicking inside the loop in the ruler. It would be great if you added a function that did the opposite, "Insert Time in Loop", pushing the following data in the track to the right.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2019 by artoocrazy (740 points)

There is a feature very similar to this that has been around since at least Version 3.

It is called insert silence.  It is in the manual, there is a key command for it [CMD]+[ALT]+I , it is also in the edit menu.

It does not appear to be in a popup menu, so it is kind of hidden.

You don't use the loop range, you selec the RANGE TOOL and select a range across the tracks, then run the command.

It will split the tracks at the start of the range and slide them over to the end of the range.

It is a great tool for adding a section to a song.

Earlier this year I needed a function like this, I did it using the arranger, then a month later I discoverd that the function was already there.

There are so many features that are hidden away in Studio One, It is one thing that makes the program so great and also a little frustrating.

I think the developers probably used the Range Tool instead of the loop range so it would be more flexible.  This way you are not limited to adding the section to all tracks you can choose only the tracks you want to spread out.
