Questions & Answers

Can I hear an mp3 or wav file on my computer thru my headphone that are plugged into VSL22

0 votes
asked Jan 9, 2016 in AudioBox USB by glegeros (120 points)
I am unable to hear for example an mp3 on my headphones that are plugged into the 22VLS. In fact the only way I can hear it is if I unplug my headphones from the 22VSL, disable it in playback devices and plug my headphones into the computer. Also, I'm using Studio 1 three that came with the 22VSL, Does this version of the software allow me to import and use MP3s and/or wav files to use as tracks?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 11, 2016 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
The 22VSL came with artist, which out of the box does not support import or export of mp3. There is an add on in the Presonus store to be able to use mp3 within the program, otherwise you would have to convert to wav outside of S1.


You can go in to your system preferences and select the 22VSL as the default audio device. There is also a setting in S1 preferences, to release the audio device in the background. Checking that will allow you to hear audio from other programs when S1 is minimized.