Questions & Answers

FADERPORT V2 - Bypass All

+1 vote
asked Aug 12, 2019 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by pierolosenno (190 points)
Hi, with faderport v2 on logic pro x, the Bypass all button does not work on the master or other channels. The faderport is in logic mode is there anything I need to do? Thank you

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 1, 2021 by budnntpl (150 points)
Same here. Bypass does nothing.
0 votes
answered Mar 8, 2024 by DamonNelsen (140 points)
Hi, I have a weird solution to this.
I have an MPK Mini acting as my second control surface to act with my FaderPort V.2.

I noticed something I can do, while midi mapping my MPK like a savage on Logic.. on the "No Zone" I was mapping my MPK on, I tried mapping the FaderPorts bypass button to bypass the first plugin on a selected channel. That works, however I haven't tried mapping by pass all button to bypass all in logic, I think logic only gives you the option to bypass all plugins in a session not on a track but I could be wrong.

Point is, if you do this you'll be able to do something with the bypass on the Faderport that bypasses stuff. I hope this helps somewhat.