Questions & Answers

Linking 2 AudioBox 1818?

0 votes
asked Aug 13, 2019 in AudioBox VSL Series by marcobert1 (310 points)
recategorized Mar 30, 2020 by AlexTinsley
Hi everyone,

I own already an AudioBox 1818 and I was about to buy a second one to link them together and get 16 mic inputs, but I red on some other forums that it’s not possible. Since the guys discussing on that forum don’t seem to be that sure, I ask here.

Can I combine 2 AudioBox 1818?

If yes, how?

Thank you!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 30, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer
No, the AudioBox 1818VSL does not support stand alone functionality. There can only be one 1818VSL connected to a system at a time.

To add additional channels, consider looking at the DigiMax D8 or DigiMiax D88 PreAmps.
0 votes
answered Apr 1, 2020 by andrewgarcia (150 points)
I purchased the Digimax D8. Plugs right into the AudioBox 1818vsl and it worked perfectly. Great first answer from Alex.