Questions & Answers

Cannot Use the 'Edit With Melodyne' since updating Melodyne Studio to V 4.2.3

+2 votes
asked Aug 21, 2019 in Studio One 4 by markbaron1 (220 points)
Since upgrading my Melodyne Version to V4.2.3 due to the recent 'product expired' issue, I can no longer use Melodyne via ARA in Studio one.  I can open it standalone however.  I'm on a Mac with Studio One 4 Professional.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 21, 2019 by martinlohmann1 (1,220 points)
Had the same Problem.

For me, the following has helped.

Melodyne uninstalled via its own uninstaller.  

Mac restarted.  

The latest Melodyne update reinstalled.

 Then Melodyne was again shown in StudioOne under "Edit with Melodyne".
0 votes
answered Aug 21, 2019 by DOJdrummer225 (210 points)
Followed the same uninstall/reinstall instructions as @martinlohmann with no success. Same song will crash every time I try to open it unless I disable ARA support. Studio One is up to date, Melodyne is up to date. No success uninstalling and reinstalling both Melodyne and Studio One.
0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2019 by markbaron1 (220 points)
Hi All, Thanks for the answers -

I've since discovered on start up that Studio one is treating Melodyne as Blacklisted hence its not loading it, but no matter what I do.  I cannot stop it being blacklisted.  All plug ins are in the correct location etc.  Strangely Melodyne now integrates with Ara using Logic Pro, and that works fine so it's not a melodyne install issue.  So at least for now I have a workaround to move tracks to Logic for Melodyne edits.
0 votes
answered Aug 28, 2019 by markbaron1 (220 points)
Hi All,  I resolved this eventually by installing Studio One Version 4.5.0 where Melodyne was scanned successfully and not blacklisted.  I then installed the latest version and everything works!
0 votes
answered Jul 8 by JoeGroove (140 points)

Visit the official SASSA website and log in to your account if you have a Sassa status. You can usually check the status of your benefits and claims online.
