Questions & Answers

Melodyne Compatibility error message with Studio One 3 Artist (3.3.2 and 3.3.3)

+2 votes
asked Dec 21, 2016 in Studio One 3 by syknowles (170 points)
I use studio one version 3 Artist and once the Melodyne trial was up purchased it. Everything has been working fine until Meldoyne sent an update, now every time time I right click on a track and click on edit with melodyne I get the same error message "Melodyne is not compatible with studio one. Please check for updates"

Everything is up to date I just don't know what else to do can anybody please help?


Yosemite 10.10.5

3.06 GHz Duo Core

4 Gb

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 22, 2016 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer

There is currently a problem with the Celemony Melodyne software in Studio One 3 Artist when installing a new installation of Studio One 3 Artist.  This problem occurs in versions 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.  This only happens if this is a new installation of one of these versions.  The error message reads "Melodyne is not compatible with Studio One.  Please check for updates."  Our development team is aware of the issue and hope to have it resolved in a future update.  The good news is that there is a workaround.  Here is what you can do if you are having this problem.

1.  Please open Studio One 3 Artist and go to Help>Open Settings Folder.

2.  Close Studio One 3 Artist with the settings folder open.

3.  Delete the settings folder.

4.  Uninstall Studio One 3, version 3.3.3 or 3.3.2.

5.  Log into your account and go to My Products>Software>Studio One 3 Artist.  Click on the "View More Details" link.

6.  Once you are on the Studio One 3 Artist page in your account, please choose the link that reads "View Previous Versions."

7.  Download version 3.3.1 and install it on your system.

8.  Open version 3.3.1 at least one time and then quit the program.

9.  Install version 3.3.3

*You will have to re-configured Studio One 3 Artist after doing this.  If you are missing any Sound Sets after removing your Settings folder, please go into Documents>Studio One>Sound Sets and double-click one of your .soundset files.  This will reload your Sound Sets.  

Here is a link to a knowledge base article addressing this issue.
