Questions & Answers

Fader Levels and FX not registering in Logic Pro X Session

0 votes
asked Aug 30, 2019 in Ai Mixers by collinslaughter (160 points)
So I have my StudioLive 24.4.2Ai connected through the FireWire cable, and it's selected as the input and output source in Logic, and it's receiving signal from my mic. My issues are that the fader on my SL doesn't affect the level sent to logic, and the FX doesn't carry over into the recording. It's as if the mic is being sent pre-everything direct to Logic. If I engage the D)) Digital Return button those things begin affecting the signal, but truth be told, I have no idea what the Digital Return does, or how to mix through my SL back into Logic. I would love some help haha.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 30, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
selected Aug 30, 2019 by collinslaughter
Best answer
It's only the Series III consoles that have support for other DAWs than Studio One. Your SL 2442AI is simply not able to communicate with Logic. It can send its channels to the tracks, but that's all. Studio One can send tracks back to the mixers. That's what the Digital Return button is needed and used for.