Questions & Answers

trouble Faderport classic / Logic X 10.5 / Catalina

0 votes
asked May 27, 2020 in FaderPort 2018 by julesescande (120 points)

I can't use my Faderport classic properly with Logic 10.5.

I could update the firmware via Universal Control (it is now 1.45)

I could install the driver with "PreSonus_FaderPort_Control_5900" -> Logic / Logic X

(i even copied the "FaderPort_Logic.bundle"  in Logic's plugin library as I read on a forum)

I could choose in Logic "Mackie Design HUI" and choose Faderport for "in" and "out"

But it won't work. I can only use the "fader mode" and the "windows view" buttons.

The fader, the knob and the transport buttons do not operate...

Do you know what's wrong?


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 14, 2020 by carlkoto (140 points)
Faderport Classic isn't working with Logic 10.5.1 with Mojave either.

Does the V2 Faderport work with 10.5?
0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2021 by damionhill (140 points)
It doesn't look like Presonus has any considerations for us with older FaderPorts. Their answer is probably going to be, just buy our new stuff. They don't care about us. I wont be buying anything from them from here on out. Get ********* for midi control.