Questions & Answers

Faderport Classic not working with Logic Pro X 10.4.5

0 votes
asked Jul 3, 2019 in FaderPort Classic by lucchiasson (150 points)

I bought a Faderport Classic February of this year (Amazon). When plugged into Universal Control it says it's at Firmware 1.00. Recently with the newest Logic update it stopped working. I assume I have to update the firmware, only problem is after my research I do not have any USB 2.0 devices so I keep getting the same error message. 

Is there any solution for this? It seems a bit ridiculous especially considering this was bought brand new frown

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Jul 3, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

FadePort Classic which was released nearly 10 years ago, was only recently made to work with Universal Control. FaderPort Classic used to have it's own application (now outdated) and all previous firmware versions (1.2, 1.35 and 1.38) all appear in Universal Control 2.8 (and higher) as version 1.00. 

If your unit shows up as 1.00 in Universal Control, you have a good working unit, no update is necessary. If you are using Logic, Cubase, Performer or another app that supports HUI, 1.00 firmware is all you need. 

A change was made that was introduced in UC 2.8 for Pro Tools users which brings that current version to 1.45. 

In order to make the FaderPort Classic work with Logic / Logic Pro (Cubase and Digital Performer) have a separate installer (aside from Universal Control) for the files needed for FaderPort Classic to work with these programs. It is not readily visible on the download page. 

To get the FaderPort Control Installer go to this page:

Then select where it says "Show / Hide all versions of software downloads for ....."

Scroll to the bottom of the page where you'll see: 

Run the pkg file to install the supporting software, then launch Logic and it will see it immediately and you can start to use it. I tested this before writing this article on a late model 2014 27" iMac 5K with 10.13.6 with 4x USB 3.0 ports and Logic Pro X 10.4.4 with success. 

For others reading this that are Pro Tools users, or if you just want to have 1.45 firmware on your unit, you'll need to connect your FaderPort to a Windows or Mac system with a USB 2.0 port (black port, not blue) as the firmware updater inside the FaderPort Classic was designed before USB 3.0 was created, the Firmware Update will fail with any USB 3.x chipset (Mac or PC). 

Updating on a USB 2.0 capable system (Mac or PC) will let the update complete successfully. 

In case anyone is wondering, the single channel FaderPort released in 2018, FaderPort 8 and FaderPort 16 do not have the USB 3.0 firmware update issue. 
