Questions & Answers

Activation Studio One not working

0 votes
asked Sep 3, 2019 in Studio One 4 by razvannica (280 points)

I have a licence for Studio One gained through the purchase of Presonus Live III mixer. I need to manage the licences on different computers by removing 2/5 already activated computers then use the empty slots for other devices. 
Here comes the problem. It may be a software bug, but when I try to remove the mentioned devices, after one refresh, they're still there. Furthermore, I cannot download the offline activation file. When I press download, it redirects me to a blank page with the following JSON printed: {"message":"Access Denied"}

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by perguttman (140 points)


I got the same problem with (Studion one 4) getting  "access denied" message in the end of offline activation process as per instructions

How can it be solved ?
0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2020 by walterpryszczuk (140 points)
Hi some problem, any solution?
0 votes
answered Mar 16, 2020 by jamescarter25 (220 points)
edited Mar 17, 2020 by jamescarter25

I had this and I found the answer in a Q&A for another product. Went to My Products, Studio One is shown. There is a small arrow to the right of that listing (on Safari anyway). I clicked it - it is a "refresh". After the twisty finished, I went through the steps to click Download and it worked. I haven't gone home to install it yet, but I am optimistic.
UPDATE: no go. Now I get the "license isn't issued to this computer". Opened ticket with Presonus.

While waiting for a response I tried removing the activation, re-adding, and download the license but now I am back to Access denied, and the refresh doesn't help.
