Questions & Answers

Notion audio export (Mp3) track length showing much longer than the piece?

+1 vote
asked Sep 17, 2019 in Notion by jonwarwick (330 points)
I have an orchestral score in Notion and when I use export audio (as mp3) the resulting file shows a track length of just over 60 mins when the actual piece is about 15 mins.  Why does the mp3 file not show the actual duration of the piece exported?  I've noticed this on all pieces exported as audio to varying degrees.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 17, 2020 by markgrand (460 points)
I have experienced a similar problem. It appears that the audio data in the file is being written correctly, but the metadata that describes the file is wrong. The length is too long and the bit rate is too low.

I have found a work-around. I use Audacity a free download, that ignores the wrong metadata. I load the file into audacity and then just export it back out. Audacity write the file with correct metadata and the problem is solved.
0 votes
answered Sep 1, 2020 by jonwarwick (330 points)
Thanks  markgrand - problem sorted!