Questions & Answers

Why is mp3 output volume quieter than mp3 input volume?

0 votes
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Studio One 4 by eltpowell (440 points)
recategorized Dec 4, 2020 by eltpowell
Hi there,
** New edit **

Basically Studio One will export my mp3 sounding worse than before they were imported without me changing any settings in Studio One.

Is this normal?

Can anyone help?

Anyone at all? :)

I'm not new to Studio One but I am definitely a novice. I started with your demo and loved your program. I bought that along with your speakers and Atom. I have read and read through the questions and answers sections and end up getting more confused. I end up with more questions than I started with :) And I'm sure this is such a basic question.

My mixdowns and my exported mp3s sound the same.

It's just I have noticed that if I pull an mp3 (a beat or an instrumental say) into a mix and export it as is, without adding any vocal tracks to it. It comes out exported at a much lower volume. Is this normal? It is as if I am losing quality in my mp3 without doing anything to it. Without knowingly doing something to it. :)

I have already tried turning off "use dithering for playback and audio file export" and "50% reduction level" in the song options as I had read these could be my solutions. They didn't make a difference so I put them back to their default settings.

I am exporting at the highest "Sample rate" and "Bitrate" that I can. I don't know if that is good :)

Please can you help me?

Thank you,