Questions & Answers

How can I get the lowest possible Input latency when using my Universal Audio Apollo interface?

0 votes
asked Sep 18, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jacobduley (1,050 points)
edited Sep 18, 2019 by jacobduley
How can I get the lowest possible Input latency in  when using my Universal Audio Apollo interface?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 18, 2019 by jacobduley (1,050 points)
reshown Sep 18, 2019 by jacobduley
Best answer
Turn off Input Delay Compensation to make sure that you're getting the lowest possible input latency available for your preferred Device Block Size (buffer setting) and Sample Rate.

To turn off Input Delay Compensation:

- Open the UAD Console application

- Click on Settings > Hardware

- Set Input Delay Compensation to OFF

*Note: If you have the Audio Setup panel open in Studio One then you'll need to click OK and then open it back up before you'll see any changes on the reported input latency.