Questions & Answers

How can we use the StudioLive series III mixers as input sources for Universal Audio Apollo 16

+2 votes
asked Jul 10, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by rickey2 (350 points)
reshown Jul 12, 2017 by rickey2
I currently use my StudioLive mixers to feed my UA Apollo 16's.  There seems to be no way to do that now and use the features of UA's console.

3 Answers

–4 votes
answered Jul 12, 2017 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
Best answer
Integration for multiple interfaces over digital connections are not supported by PreSonus Audio directly.  However, connecting analog cables (and AES connections) to external interfaces would be possible, but not through the same single computer system.

However, any help necessary would be coming from UA specifically if they decide that there are proper configurations possible the StudioLive Series III mixer.  You would want to check with UA for those specifics.
+2 votes
answered Jul 12, 2017 by rickey2 (350 points)
Thanks @abrand2, but i think you're misinterpreting my request/question.  This function would be something thru the Presonus mixer.  Currently with the Series I mixers and the AI mixers, there are two sets of direct outputs.  One set of 1/4" underneath the inserts and a db25 connection (or multiple) that are also outputs.  with these connections you can then feed other systems or another mixer or more specifically a UA interface.  I'm wondering/hoping Presonus finds a way to restore direct outputs which is a common thing to have on mixers.
+2 votes
answered Sep 27, 2017 by yettibrad (340 points)
Hey Rickey2, as someone who owns a pair of Apollo 16s and just ordered a Studiolive 32 Series III, I'm interested in this as well.  Using the Studiolive 32, it looks like the only available physical outputs on the SL would be the 16 mix outputs (twelve XLRs + four 1/4").  So apparently only one set of inputs (or both 8-channel DB25 inputs) on an Apollo 16 could be connected using all of the aforementioned mix outputs.  I'm sure you're already aware of this, just hoping to clarify for someone to understand your question (the original response indicates that they did not fully understand and think you're trying to use dual interfaces rather than the SL as your inputs/mic pre's feeding your Apollo 16 interface).