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SOLVED: Studio One 4 UA Apollo *MASSIVE* Input Latency Issue

+2 votes
asked Sep 18, 2019 in Studio One 4 by nathanholliday (360 points)

I ran into a major latency issue a couple weeks ago, and I reached out to Presonus tech support about it. My input latency was sitting at 23.1 ms when either my UAD Apollo or Apollo/Lynx Hilo was set as the IO device. Nothing would change it, we tried everything. Block size, etc etc. Even spoke on the phone with a guru named Brian (shoutout to you, my dude. You're tops in my book), and we couldn't quite get our heads around the issue.

AS IT TURNS OUT there is another form of delay compensation inside the UA Console application. If you are experiencing massive latency in Studio One, you must turn this off. 

Studio One 4 UAD Apollo High Latency Error ***SOLVED***

I will admit, it is frustrating that UA does not support Studio One. I did not have latency issues in PT, but as many of us here can attest, I have #madetheswitch and I'm not trying to go back any time soon (barring critical tech issues such as this one). Seems silly, like an "oh duh" solution, but man I've been dealing with this for weeks. Now it's fixed and I'm  just so stinkin happy.

I hope this helps someone!

2 Answers

+4 votes
answered Sep 19, 2019 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

Pasting that post as the answer. 

Posted Sep 18 in Studio One 4 by nathanholliday 

I ran into a major latency issue a couple weeks ago, and I reached out to Presonus tech support about it. My input latency was sitting at 23.1 ms when either my UAD Apollo or Apollo/Lynx Hilo was set as the IO device. Nothing would change it, we tried everything. Block size, etc etc. Even spoke on the phone with a guru named Brian (shoutout to you, my dude. You're tops in my book), and we couldn't quite get our heads around the issue.

AS IT TURNS OUT there is another form of delay compensation inside the UA Console application. If you are experiencing massive latency in Studio One, you must turn this off. 

Studio One 4 UAD Apollo High Latency Error ***SOLVED***

I will admit, it is frustrating that UA does not support Studio One. I did not have latency issues in PT, but as many of us here can attest, I have #madetheswitch and I'm not trying to go back any time soon (barring critical tech issues such as this one). Seems silly, like an "oh duh" solution, but man I've been dealing with this for weeks. Now it's fixed and I'm  just so stinkin happy.

I hope this helps someone!

0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2019 by shawnlutz (670 points)
Glad you got it squared away. As you did find out it usually is something simple and hopefully you didn't screw something else up during the troubleshooting process. Sorry it took weeks to figure out input delay was on in your UA console. I'm curious if you recall turning on the input delay? I have an Apollo twin and it appears the default is off.