Questions & Answers

Is it possible to get multiple outs from a VST effect (not a VSTi)?

+1 vote
asked Sep 28, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jeffnantais (300 points)
I am using Softube Modular FX - which has 10 outputs and two inputs. The inputs and main stereo out work as normal, but how do I route the 8 AUX outputs to other audio channels ? This is required to send CV/Gate signals out through my audio interface to my physical eurorack modular system.
To clarify - this is not a VSTi - it is an insert effect - it has audio input. Native Instruments Reaktor FX works the same way.
This is very easy with Ableton, as any track can source it's audio input from any VST on any channel - including VSTs with multiple outputs.

If this isn't possible now - I'll have to put in a feature request...