Questions & Answers

How come when I save as Studio one 4 pro closes?

+1 vote
asked Oct 4, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jacobbader1 (230 points)
Ok, let me re-explain, about a couple weeks ago I got the latest Mac book pro and its running very smoothly, and I love it. The situation is for the past week I've been working on a couple of orchestrations for my professional band to play at a concert. But now whenever I try to save the file, the file looks like its saving but then when I try to quit the program, the program keeps on looking like the file is saving. then the small saving window closes immediately but doesn’t close the program. So, I have to force quit the application to do other projects. When I log back on to Studio one. It didn't save anything from my last editing session. Also when I try to save as, on specific songs of mine, the program immediately crashes. It has never done this before until now. If anyone could give me advice on this situation I would sincerely appreciate it. Thank you!!