Questions & Answers

Can the Eris E4.5 volume pot be cleaned so the speakers will not crackle or cut out when moving the volume knob?

+2 votes
asked Oct 13, 2019 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by julianthomas1 (140 points)
Can the Eris E4.5 volume pot be cleaned so the speakers will not crackle or cut out when moving the volume knob?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 23, 2021 by scottwhitman (190 points)
For anyone else experiencing this issue, here's the response I received from PreSonus Tech Support:

"The unit would need to be opened in order to directly access the contacts. You may be able to clean just by spraying around the knob without dismantling the unit, this can often help."