Questions & Answers

Scale, micro tuning

+28 votes
asked Jan 18, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by muhamedaliismaili (780 points)
reshown Jan 28, 2017 by muhamedaliismaili
Hi! I had a question to the PreSonus crew about Studio One DAW, We are lot of costumers buying your DAW and many of us make different music like orientalic, chinese, eastern Europe, African and so on. Have you ever thought about adding a feature to Mai Tai and presence or a stock plugin that can make different scales or add an micro tuner inside Studio One? It would be Awesome if we could get that opportunity. I think many people, musicians, studio engeniers and so on would love to experiment with it and make their own scale. I hope that you take this as a tip. It would do the jobb much easier for many people around the world using your DAW. I need the possibility to tune or pitch a single keyboard key or those key I want to tune with the instrument library and third parts plugin I want to add. This would not be any bigger challenge to you when you already have build a great DAW. Thank You!

1 Answer

+20 votes
answered Jan 21, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Thanks for the great feature request.

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, please vote on it.