Questions & Answers

Possibility of 432 Hz tuning by default for synthesizers plugs in, please

+6 votes
asked Sep 2, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by sbastiensiozade (210 points)
Because we use 432 Hz tuning in the band and we would like to add some keyboard plug-ins in our performances.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 4, 2022 by jeremyostrowski (280 points)

I was looking into switching over from Logic Pro to Studio One, but I don't play in the standard 440 Hz tuning.  In Logic, it allows you to globally change the concert pitch tuning (in my case 432 Hz) to all software instruments within your session.  From what I can tell there isn't anything like this in studio one.  The work around would be having to do the change in concert tuning within every single software instrument plugin added within the session (if the software instrument plug in even has that capability).  I hope studio one will implement something like this soon.

0 votes
answered Mar 15, 2024 by berndhaber (160 points)
I would like to have this feature too. Because I tune my Guitars and Bass in 432 Hz and when I want to add some keyboards (Mai Tai) it would be great to have an option to select the desired frequency (432 Hz) and save it.