Questions & Answers

1818VSL ADAT Sync

+1 vote
asked Oct 20, 2019 in AudioBox USB by chriswiens (130 points)
Does anyone have experience with using ADAT expansion on their interface? I borrowed a friends FR 18i20 to get more inputs on my Presonus 1818 VSL for a session on Sunday and I'm having a hard time getting it set up. Presonus discontinued their control app for the 1818VSL so I've been using the Audio Midi Setup in my Mac to adjust the clock, and the focusrite control app doesn't seem to be recognizing the inputs. I'm not really sure what to do next. I seem to have gotten them synced with the audio midi setup but my DAW won't recognize the signal from the ADAT inputs. I've tried both interfaces as master and slave.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
