Questions & Answers

Could Presonus care any less?

+1 vote
asked Oct 25, 2019 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by martynhare (210 points)
It seems there are MANY issues with the Studio usb interfaces and none of the common issues are being looked at, let alone resolved. The obvious Muting and Unmuting in UC issue to any sound AT ALL. The terrible digital Jitter the boxes create when they are the clock source. The temperamental sample rate changes. The list goes on....

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 15, 2019 by ericphillips4 (460 points)
selected Dec 17, 2019 by martynhare
Best answer
Answer: It appears not. It appears Presonus could care less.

I type that as I search for an answer at the Presonus website on a Sunday as to why my Studio 26 USB drops out, drops in, drops out, etc. over and over on a brand new Windows install, brand new interface install, just trying to listen to music, MP3s. I tried calling support, but I guess football is more important than customers as they are closed and only open during banker hours M-F. The banker hours, then, must allow for Monday night and Thursday night football, too. What is1s even better is most of the knowledge base articles that I've seen and appear to only barely even come close to the issue I am having have not even been answered yet by Presonus, i.e., 1 of them was stale from Sept. still. I guess I'll play along and spend the time now (1 1/2hrs already troubleshooting and stuff) to go "open a ticket" myself (to nobody, Presonus is closed, the recording said) and cross my fingers. Or, maybe I'll just take the device back for a refund? Or, exchange the device for the many others offered with similar features?  Hmmmmm. The retailer that sold it to me is open for business every day.

So, I will second this motion and now ask the same question.
0 votes
answered Dec 17, 2019 by martynhare (210 points)
They went a step further with me and suspended my account as I kept hassling them, just to even help a little... I cannot log any new tickets for any Presonus product I have. Total joke.