Questions & Answers

Destructive Clip/Event Editing

+8 votes
asked Nov 10, 2019 in Editing by peterwells1 (680 points)
Destructive editing would make Studio One much more efficient and would continue to make Studio One the better alternative to Pro Tools. Having clips/events non-destructively overlap when editing, with no option for destructive editing wastes so much editing time and at times causes odd fades and cuts to happen.  I hear from so many people that they still edit in Pro Tools after tracking in another DAW like S1, this is one of the biggest reasons.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 10, 2020 by kierancalvert (670 points)
The amount of work the lack of Destructive editing creates is insane. I am spending hours looking for tiny artefacts that are causing clips. none of that nonsense in protools.