Questions & Answers

recording and mastering vinvyl

0 votes
asked Nov 16, 2019 in Studio One 4 by kimhowell (120 points)
Hi guys,

Need to convert all my old house music vinvl to digital.

Want to find out best process for this in terms of recording the vinyl directly into Studio One 4 and also how I should process the audio once in Studio One 4. Are there any processes/plugin etc I should run the recording through to get the best output as possible.


1 Answer

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answered Nov 16, 2019 by harebrained (660 points)
I've copied a few old vinyl things into S1.  If you have S1 Pro, the mastering tools are great for this.  I usually do some de-essing, a little cross fading between tracks to eliminate noise, and a little tweaking of the bass and upper midrange to make it pop a bit.