Questions & Answers

Update Mastering file in Studio One not working correctly!

+12 votes
asked Jan 28, 2019 in Studio One 4 by ikandakaidavis (1,410 points)
Hi guys, After finishing a song and adding a Project in Studio One I noticed that going back to correct anything in the mix then saving and updating mastering file doesn't reflect any of the changes unless I do a whole new project again. This has been happening since I updated to Studio One 4 and still in the update.

Ive tried everything I could think of. Removing all plugins on the project. restarting. re installing. Still no fix. Can anyone address this for me?

I can't finish my clients projects

17 Answers

–2 votes
answered Aug 20, 2020 by harveywright (1,610 points)
selected Aug 21, 2020 by garymaguire
Best answer
This issue was finally fixed in release 5.0.1 (Aug 11).
+3 votes
answered Oct 1, 2019 by jonnystone (200 points)
Sorry, no answer to this, but its been 9 months since you asked this so I thought I would ask to see if you found the answer as I am now experiencing the same problem in S1 V3!
0 votes
answered Nov 14, 2019 by gregoryjones2 (140 points)
Hello... I stumbled upon a solution.....simply adjust your START & END flags at the top of your timeline. (Marker Area)
+1 vote
answered Dec 25, 2019 by ikandakaidavis (1,410 points)
I never found a fix for this. I’m literally going through this right right now on Christmas Day.

I just saw the responses and I’m trying what was suggested.....

Updating mastering file....

It’s says updated- I go to listen and it’s not. I know because I MUTED the baseline 4 bars in the intro and it’s not playing the same thing in the “updated master file”

So now I have to save my master presets and chain then open a new project . Really really stressing.

Rather amazing that it’s been this long and presonus hasn’t gotten to this.

I feel I deserve a lil bitty wit more help than this especially with how invested i am In presonus Hardware and software
0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2019 by harveywright (1,610 points)
edited Dec 30, 2019 by harveywright

I'm having the exact same issue in 4.6. From the song, I intentionally lowered the volume to test it and then updated the mastering file. In the Project Page, the waveform correctly shows the lower volume and the loudness detection works as expected, but the volume does not change until like 15 seconds into the song or toward the end of the song. If I locate the actual mastering file, the wave file plays fine in other apps. It even plays file if I use the browser within the Project Page to preview it. So, the file is getting updated. There's a problem with the Project Page. Creating a new project or adjusting the START & END flags on the song page did not work for me. I have tried creating a song with just a wave file and no plugins to rule out plugins. Switching to the built-in audio did not work. I also did a complete reinstall of the S1. I downgraded to version 4.5.5 and the Project Page is working correctly. 

0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2020 by harveywright (1,610 points)
This is a bug that was introduced into 4.6. In the song page, On my iMac running Mohave, I'd lower the master channel fader significantly just to notice the change in the Project Page. After updating the song mastering file, the waveform in the Project Page looks correct. However, the audio is not correct. I also tried this on a brand new PC running Windows 10 Pro. Same problem. After reverting back to 4.5.5 on both machines, the Project Page plays the audio correctly. I discovered the problem by mistake because anytime I had to go back to the Song Page to make any corrections, they were subtle. So, I did not notice the changes were not occurring in the Mastering Page. Reading through the user forums, it appears 4.6 is full of bugs. This is just another one of them. So far, I'm sticking with the most stable release (4.5.5).
+3 votes
answered Feb 14, 2020 by rickkreuziger (200 points)
edited Feb 14, 2020 by rickkreuziger
While mastering a project, I just discovered this same problem (audio not actually updating after doing the master file update) on my S1 V4 version

Just playing around with this.. in my case at least, it seems like if I close the project page and reopen it the updates correct themselves.

+2 votes
answered Feb 16, 2020 by raylindsey (530 points)
I am having this problem too. It's very frustrating. I only noticed it when I updated to 4.6. I tried changing the end marker but that didn't work for me.
+2 votes
answered Feb 19, 2020 by jonathangadd (200 points)
I am having the same problem.    Updates to the mix are not coming through when I refresh the project view.

I hope there is a fix for this soon.
0 votes
answered Apr 6, 2020 by eamonndargan (330 points)
I’m having this issue now. Until recently, I was mixing down songs then importing into a project, but with the projects I’m doing at the moment, I now transfer directly to the project and I’m having the same issue. Seems to be around for a while now and hasn’t been addressed. I’ll have to go back to exporting a mix down first before importing to a project.
0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2020 by voisinthibault (160 points)
Ok Guys, it still looks full of bugs, but if you move your all session + start and end marker the issue can disappear.
Have a good day!
0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2020 by harveywright (1,610 points)
After 17 months since this issue was reported, it's still not fixed at least for me. I entered a support ticket several months ago and tech support indicated the issue might be fixed in the next release. The latest release 4.6.2 (June 3, 2020) still does not fix the issue. I tried testing a new installation of S1 without any third party plugins installed to help rule out plugins as the cause. Anyone else figure out the cause?
0 votes
answered Jul 10, 2020 by harveywright (1,610 points)
The issue is still persistent in version 5.0. Come on PreSonus, please fix this!
0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2020 by estudiomub (610 points)
Having the same issue here...Version 5.0.2. Apparently not fixed...
0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2021 by benjamingreen2 (800 points)
January 2021. V 5.1 and still the same issue. It looks like a Daw switch is in the cards for me. V5 has been nothing bit problems for me
+1 vote
answered Jan 14, 2021 by mojo12 (630 points)
I have also had problems with the mastering file not updating. It is more common with longer complex pieces of music using lots of plugins. My latest problem was when I put the final fadeouts onto the drums in my song. The final mix sounded just how I wanted it, with a long slow fade. I mastered the final mix into the project page and the fades were just not there. I repeated the process and the drums would not fade out on the master.

In desperation after trying everything I could think of and deadlines approaching, I tried increasing the "Device Block Size" and the import suddenly worked with all my final fades being applied to the master in the project page. Options/Audio setup/Device Block Size - set as high as your pc can handle even if this is just while you import your final mix into the project page. It can be lowered again after you have successfully imported.

I hope this will work for others with this most serious software issue and maybe it will point Presonus into the reason this is occuring and result in a permanent software fix.
0 votes
answered Aug 15, 2022 by tothrec (32,330 points)
Still not fixed as of version

I have a 45-minute podcast with about 25 tracks and plenty of supporting effects.

If I select a section and export it, the mix is correct (I can tell by the meters during playback of the export).

If I update mastering file, that same section is wrong.