Questions & Answers

How to view low latency monitoring settings

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asked Dec 9, 2019 in Studio One 4 by barrygoodwin (120 points)

I'm going through online Presonus tutorials one by one and want to set up Studio One Pro 4 perfectly before I start using it. In the 3rd video I am watching a clip regarding low latency monitoring and in particular a screen where there is a green Z showing next to the 'Instruments' label to the left of the mixer sliders. I cannot see that green Z or anything in it's place that might show other options (like monitoring off for example). Maybe it's not there because I am just using my Mac as the hardware for now and not an external USB audio device. Should I see the green Z though with my hardware as it is? I would like to go through the next step of the tutorial which is to record a sound to two tracks simultaneously and measure the latency to then be able to edit settings to deal with it. Should I wait until I have an external audio device or is there a setting I need to set up before seeing low latency monitoring options. I cannot find anything on the internet to help with this.
