Questions & Answers

StudioLive 16R + Kemper reamp

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asked Dec 13, 2019 in Studio One 4 by LasseLund (120 points)

hey i have a problem with my StudioLive 16R and reamping my kemper .

Before I got the 16R I had absolutely no problem re amping with studio one and kemper through my presonus 44vsl sound card. Anyways I have a tried to apply the same in and outputs settings to the 16R but nothing is working?! 

I have connected to input of the chain through the front input on the 16R and the output on the output back panel. 

But as I said - nothing.

Went into the I/O menu and tried just making similar settings with the 16R as I had with the 44vsl but nothing working.

Can someone please guide me through this setup step by step. Maybe with pictures of the O/I setup and so forth - thanks!
