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Waves SoundGrid option card for StudioLive Mixer series

+48 votes
asked Jan 26, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by loekitomulyadi (300 points)
Please give a little priority to develop Waves SoundGrid option card for presonus' mixers.
I feel left behind, and I feel desperate to see all my fellows can bring their "studio sound" to the live stage.
Please don't make me feel I'm doing wrong investment here, and don't force me to switch to another mixer brand, I'm really really love my RM.
I know Waves SoundGrid is proprietary, but it works, proven, and even better than AVB, that no wonder big name like Yamaha, Allen & Heat etc, all have Waves SoundGrid option card on their mixer.
Please consider. Thanks

8 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2016 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Just curious, is that something that Yamaha and A&H developed, or does Waves?
0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2016 by loekitomulyadi (300 points)
Last time I already ask this to waves, and waves said that I must approach to presonus.

So I think it's the mixer manufacturer who responsible to develop, but following the specification from waves.

But I don't know their business model, whether presonus must buy some license from waves or not, or it's a free license but their share profit on the sales or what.
0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2016 by loekitomulyadi (300 points)
Or.. waves is the one who responsible to develop the things (done by DigiCo who produce soundgrid server and interface for waves), and unforunatelly presonus is the one who don't want to open their spec for the 3rd party option card development
0 votes
answered May 2, 2016 by atticus.hicks (890 points)
It would really just take making the AVB protocol that comes standard with all of the new RM stuff and making it interoperable with the AES protocol used by the soundgrid. This would be AMAZING and wouldn't require another option card.
0 votes
answered Aug 10, 2016 by basmeijer (6,450 points)
As an alternative, the finished version of the AVB implementation so AVB channels become Core Audio. Then it is possible regarding to the Waves plugins to use a Mac host to get the sounds pn stage. No extra hardware needed, well, except for the host of course.
0 votes
answered Aug 11, 2016 by volksware (460 points)
This would be a killer option to run Waves plug-ins natively in a SL##.4.2Ai.

I currently record shows to S1 3.2. I send the vocal channels through Waves Abbey Road ADT and Plate reverb.

I use an AUX, with only a Digital Return level, and patch that AUX output to AUX "A" In LEFT. AUX "A" In is patched to the SUB 3 fader,
along with the main vocal.  SUB 3 is in turn patched to Main out.  This give me control of the effects level on the board for the wet/dry mix,
as well as overall volume.

Latency is the issue, but since I'm working just ADT and reverb, tweaking the settings gives me the sound I want.

Now, if I could run other plug-ins natively on the board without latency, well that opens things up even more. Control it via UC.

This would be a killer option
–5 votes
answered Feb 24, 2018 by Tele (2,200 points)
Anything that Waves or Yamaha has their hands in really proprietary. Both of those companies are like milking machines. Have you checked on the price of their products? Here's a link to their product line -|views:view=grid-view|paging:currentPage=0|paging:number=20

If you can hear the difference between the Waves & Presonus effects in a noisy concert environment then I must say you have ears made of gold. I don't know what the fascination is with Waves products because I own a whole slew of them & most are severely over-rated & over-priced. Out of the entire group there are only a couple that stand out that are useable in the real world but I would not hesitate to say that the Fat channel has everything you'll ever need to produce a live show. Perhaps you should consider buying a DigiCo, or Midas if you can afford it because you are comparing $100,000 + to a $3,000 mixer and expecting to get Rolls Royce at a Volkswagen price.
0 votes
answered Oct 20, 2021 by jkgill (550 points)
I miss my RM32ai (especially the mono out), but I bought a Series III 32R and run Waves via the BR-1 interface.  I find the 32Rs reverbs to be a little dull and there is no better eq and comp than the F6w/RTA and the C6 multiband. It cost me some extra bucks, but it was well spent to have my favorite plugins on a Presonus 32R.  Try it... you'll love it.