Questions & Answers

Can't obtain bundled Lexicon MPX-I Plugin

+1 vote
asked Dec 30, 2019 in MyPreSonus Questions by franzeder1 (220 points)

as I bought my Presonus Studio 1824c Interface, I also got a free license for the Lexicon MPx-I PLugin.
I tried to to obtain the plugin, after following the link at my account I got redirected to the lexicon registration page. There I filled out the registration form (Name, registration key, mail, etc.)

I landed at the confirmation page, but didn't got any mail with a download link yet. I also checked my spam folder, but it was empty. Email Adress was entered correctly.

I tried to contact Lexicon Support via mail adress ([email protected]) noted at the confimation page, but my mails returned undelivered.

Whats wrong? Please help me.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15', Mid 2015) OS is MacOS 10.15.2 and I use Firefox/Safari for browsing.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2020 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Lexicon has a very strict mail server.  Your email address must support the latest version of TLS and reverse DNS lookup.  If need be, create a free Gmail account and use it to contact Lexicon.  Most main mail servers should receive a reply from Lexicon.
0 votes
answered Jan 3, 2020 by martinschdel (1,690 points)
This happens to me to. If there is no more support, why do we get still the MPX ?
+1 vote
answered Jan 3, 2020 by franzeder1 (220 points)

I called the german Lexicon retailer what to do. He told me that Lexicon is now a part of harman and lexicon mail addresses do not longer exist - so you have to contact harman support not the lexicon support written at the confirmation page. The problem is that these requests from the confirmation page lead into nowhere.

I filled out the support form at and today I received my download link.

Email address for Europe is: [email protected]

Other countries may have to use some other adresses.

So it’s up to Presonus and Lexicon pro to update their links and confirmation process.


Franz Eder