Questions & Answers

How do I obtain the new Analog Effects Collection?

+15 votes
asked Jan 19, 2021 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by juanhernandez11 (240 points)
How do I obtain the new Analog Effects Collection?  The email sent today (01/19/21), just says to login to our My.Presonus Account, and visit to get them for free.  There are no further instructions, and nothing on to receive them free of charge.

12 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 19, 2021 by richardaustin2 (160 points)
Same question
+2 votes
answered Jan 19, 2021 by martin_daniels (180 points)
I loaded Studio One 5 Professional and all five of the Analog Effects were in the Effects> PreSonus section. Didn't have to do anything else.
+1 vote
answered Jan 20, 2021 by ktuna (170 points)
I still dont understand it. Maybe the people with free version cant get them, which version are you using?
+1 vote
answered Jan 20, 2021 by philheisenberg (2,350 points)
Studio One 5 just recently had an update. Maybe that installed the effects. I just check my effects and they were there.
+2 votes
answered Jan 20, 2021 by romualdherrero (340 points)
The real question is : how can I obtain it in my Presonus Hub ?
+4 votes
answered Jan 20, 2021 by danwillmott (220 points)
This is a good question and one I was going to pose myself, the email states the plugins are now available to use on other DAW’s, and all that was needed was to login in and visit the presonus shop and download for free if you was a presonus sphere or Studio One 5 Professional user.

After trying multiple times loving in and out I couldn’t find a free version of the plug-ins in the shop, going by the comments I see that others have found them already in Studio One, but still makes no sense to flash send a mail, but not follow through with it.
0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2021 by kirkevans (470 points)
After reading martin_daniels answer, I checked my Effects>PreSonus folder in V5, and saw Analog Delay there so I suppose the others are there too.

I don't know if they've always been there.
0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2021 by zoranpopovski (160 points)
They are showing up in S1, but not in Ableton for example.
0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2021 by wwlos (140 points)
I can see these plugins in Studio One 5 Pro, latest update, but not in other apps like Gig Performer 2. I cannot find a way to download these plugins for free. So I think there is something wrong.
0 votes
answered Jan 21, 2021 by Vatche (2,870 points)
I guess PreSonus is expecting that everyone is on Sphere. I own S1 V5 Pro and same as everyone else. Have to pay for it to use as a VST with other DAW.
0 votes
answered Jan 21, 2021 by osatanic (230 points)
I think it's free for Presonus Sphere users
0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2021 by romualdherrero (340 points)
You effectively have to connect to your account, go to the shop and add the Analog Effects Collection to your cart : the price is 0 ! After that, just launch the presonus hub app, install the collection, activate it and voila !