Questions & Answers

How can I convert a .song file into any other music file without having a PreSonus product

0 votes
asked Jan 8, 2020 in Studio One 4 by leonhardreis (120 points)

as a lawyer in music Business, I got a .song file for similarity check, but I do not own any PreSonus Software to open the file. Is there a possibilty to convert to any other music file such as .wav, .midi, .mp3 by an external converter?

Thanks a lot!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2020 by tothrec (32,310 points)
Not really.  DAW's typically store the details about the WAV and MIDI content within their main project file (.song for S1).

The project file contains references to the WAV file names and the locations within each file along with where within the song to play them.

So if you were able to read the .song file it would look like this:

    At measure 3 beginning with the first beat, play Vocal.WAV starting at sample position 1234567.

MIDI data are also stored within the project file, but you'd be hard-press to find/read it.

The way most studios using different DAWs share songs is by rendering the WAV files and Instrument/MIDI files to individual WAV files all beginning at the first measure of the song.  Then they will all line up when imported into the destination DAW.

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answered Mar 24, 2024 by jh fssdfs (-20 points)

In case of a dispute regarding a notarized document nearest notary public, the notary's impartiality and detailed record-keeping can help resolve the issue efficiently and effectively.
