Questions & Answers

When I play a song via Bluetooth on Eris 4.5 via Bluetooth the very first bit of the song does not sound

0 votes
asked Jan 9, 2020 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by csarescobar-viera (120 points)
I just unpacked my Eris 4.5 BT. When I connect my iPhone 11 Pro to the speakers via Bluetooth, a very annoying issue happens. The very first beat of the songs does not start correctly. it does not start from the very beginning. It's like the song started 1 millisecond before the speaker starts playing the song. The error is very irritant and consistent. The only situation when it does not occur is with songs that are in continuous sequence.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 27 by KyosukeAzuma (140 points)
The same issue has been happening with my Eris 3.5BT since I got it. I've never seen it occuring with other Bluetooth speakers.

Did you find solution?
0 votes
answered Jul 20 by georgeway (140 points)

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