Questions & Answers

Saving Custom Presets to a specific folder

0 votes
asked Jan 14, 2020 in Studio One 4 by johnmeade2 (120 points)
I have customized 3 effects presets that I will use over and over again. How do I get them in one folder (location) for easy application? I open the files folder and see them in different locations. How do I get them into one folder so I don't have to hunt for them every time? I am on a Mac.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2020 by elliottsebag (7,650 points)

When you save your preset you can usually enter a Category and/or Sub-folder.

Just save them to the same one :)

Btw you need to save Studio One presets and not the VTS ones if its third party vst.

Hope this might help,

Kind regards,

Elliott S.