Questions & Answers

Drag Drop any sound preset to a custom favourite folder

+9 votes
asked Mar 24, 2021 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by markpalmos (390 points)


I have noticed there is no way in Studio One to collect sounds you like in a custom folder within Favourites.
I have often come across great Presence presets which I would like to put into a "Favourites > Bass" folder, for example, but there is no way to do that. With some instruments, one can find presets in Windows Explorer, then mess about in windows to create a folder, find the presets etc... this is only some instruments, and is very messy.

it would be far better to be able to drag drop any preset from any instrument to a Keyboard or Bass or Drums or whatever folder you create so you can quickly find great sounds you enjoyed previously but did not use perhaps, and now you want them. See the video of what I mean:

Reason, the DAW, does this well, if you wanted to see it in action.

Thank you,

