Questions & Answers

notion 6 crash

0 votes
asked Jan 19, 2020 in Notion by masaakiyamazaki5 (120 points)
When notion6 is newly installed and started on a self-made PC (AMD), it crashes and the software cannot be used
Notion6 started up normally in the previous homebrew machine (Intel)
Is there anything that does not stand up with the parts configuration?
How do I get up and use it? I want an answer as soon as possible
Past intel Core i7 6700k windows10pro
Currently AMD Ryzen 3950X windows10pro
  Notion 6 v6.5.470
Steinberg UR22mkⅡ

And why isn't it possible to do active management like Studio one?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2020 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
this issue with multi-core computers will be fixed in Notion 6.6 which will be released soon. If you wish to use Notion in the meantime if you make a tech support ticket at we can supply you links to a beta version of 6.6
