Questions & Answers

No DAW Audio to OBS on StudioLive AR12c

+1 vote
asked Jan 30, 2020 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by anthonydibella (210 points)
I am a happy new owner of the awesome StudioLive AR12c. I have windows audio functioning through this unit.  I even have all my mixer inputs available in my DAW. I do not, however, have audio from DAW to OBS.  I have tried Maschine and Reaper but not Cubase 10.5 Pro.  All inputs give audio to the DAW and I can hear my VST soft synths through the AR12c, just not into OBS.  I do have loopback on and "Virtual" selected, but I am new to using Loopbacks, maybe I did something incorrectly.

I have Windows 10 1909, and when Loopback is set to on.  I am only able to either select Mix 1/2 or Virtual, neither of those is in the Owners Manual.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2020 by anthonydibella (210 points)
selected Mar 3, 2020 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
Ok, thank you timformica.  Presonus actually helped me, voice-meeter wasn't their solution, however.  I merely needed to adjust device settings in the apps after enabling loopback. I tried VB a long time ago when I had a standard interface, I am glad you figured it out.
+1 vote
answered Mar 1, 2020 by timformica (160 points)

 VoiceMeter took care of my problem.

 Follow this video.  

I had to tweek it a bit. But got it working,

This worked for me, hopefully it'll work for you.

NOTE - When you select hardware, click on Hardware out NOT A1 or A2

Here a short video I did with my settings 

0 votes
answered May 12, 2020 by jasonbennett1 (190 points)
I would love to know what their solution is. I just bought an AR12c and haven't been able to get things working with OBS. Care to share?
0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2021 by shamekajones (200 points)
I’m about to get one. I also have Windows 10. What settings did they give you?