Questions & Answers


0 votes
asked Feb 1, 2020 in Editing by Contrust (3,420 points)
Hello Presonus, hello community,

I like to request a neccessary feature to COPY Patterns. It´s still NOT available!

For more information watch this

Please vote this up, if you like a faster workflow with patterns.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 1, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
A command called "Duplicate Pattern as New Variation" could be cool but honestly you should just explore the variation system.

There's a whole Variation system which allows you to create and re-use patterns. That's why it doesn't work the same as it does for Audio and Instrument Parts. If you click the "i" (for info) icon in the top left of the pattern editor you will see a whole menu that makes it pretty clear.

There are some keyboard shortcuts for this too, Duplicate Variation, New Variation, and Delete Variation.

So what you do is press "D" to duplicate the pattern, then either press on the Duplicate button in the Variation menu (opened by pressing the info icon in the pattern editor) or you press a keyboard shortcut for Duplicate variation, which I have set to CTRL + D on Mac.
0 votes
answered Feb 5, 2020 by Contrust (3,420 points)
Thank you Robert.

This isn´t a bad workaround, but I think it would be way faster and easier if you just could press "d" in the arrangement window to duplicate a pattern like you can do it with midi clips, don´t you agree?

Friendly greetings
0 votes
answered Feb 5, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
It's not a workaround, the Variation system is how patterns were designed...

I assigned "Duplicate Variation" to Ctrl + D

So when I'm working with patterns I hit D as many times as needed. If I ever need to edit one of those I just hit Ctrl+D first.

Boom, accomplished exactly what you wanted and it doesn't break the Variation system which apparently you haven't even explored. It's useful.

You've got the tools in front of you, hope that helped :)
