Questions & Answers

Faderport 16 Pan-Knob For Every Channel Feature Request

+9 votes
asked Feb 5, 2020 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by mjosephs (250 points)
This is for if you ever do a new version of the Faderport 16;

The one thing that is missing for me are the pan-knobs.

Just having one knob for the entire Faderport 16 kind of cuts the usability in half for me.

Getting balances for my work is allot of level/fader stuff, and panning of the sections and spot-mics, and the lack of pan-knobs for every channel really makes it no better than a mouse, which is the whole reason for me to get into a control-surface in the first place.

Presonus seems to be the only company in the entire market (Avid, Mackie, Tascam, Icon Digital, *********, Alesis, Focusrite, SSL, etc.) that make their control surface without a pan-knob for every channel.

I just wanted to suggest that if you all do a Faderport 16 v2, you add pan knobs for every channel?

The Faderport 16 is the perfect size, right number of faders, etc., right price,  just this one major thing missing?

Thanks for listening!

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+2 votes
answered Feb 26, 2020 by billjackson1 (660 points)

Yes, I felt the same way, but ever since firmware v3.2, using the faders as pans, works perfectly, and it is easier to pan multiple tracks at the same time.
Press the Pan button, and the faders will now properly null.
Move the fader down for left, and move the fader up for right. Having the full length of the fader gives you great control.

I have more Faderport 16 tips here:

+1 vote
answered Apr 2, 2021 by mariusno7 (170 points)
Definitely needs pan pots!

Right now I think I would have to go for the icon qcon because of that reason(and some other extras like level metering and better screen reading angle), although I'd love to have a device that's really optimized for S1.
0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2022 by jb121 (150 points)
I definitely agree. Not having a pan knob for each channel is lame. Presonus products are cool, but this ruins it for me.