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FaderPort (single fader): Configure fader (and knob) to send MIDI CC

+66 votes
asked Mar 7, 2018 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by martineder (660 points)
edited Mar 7, 2018 by martineder
Can we expect the FaderPort (single fader) to allow us to assign our own CC values to the fader (and also the knob) so that it acts like a general MIDI Controller?
This would be much appreciated, then we could use the fader, for example in Cubase 9.5, for expression or for vibrato intensity or for other CCs depending on the VST library.
And the icing on the cake would be: Changes to different CC values can be done via keyboard shortcuts and the user button on the fader.

24 Answers

+2 votes
answered Feb 26, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+11 votes
answered Mar 28, 2018 by leroy749 (390 points)
I agree with this post.
+13 votes
answered Apr 2, 2018 by Milton Messenger (890 points)
This would be a welcomed feature ability.
+9 votes
answered Aug 18, 2018 by AlexeiKonovalov (620 points)
Yes!!!!!!!!! Need to do!
+14 votes
answered Oct 31, 2018 by markkiborn (390 points)
This would be tremendously helpful. I use my Faderport single 2018 model in Reaper for mixing. I'd love to, while staying in MCU mode (Cubase/Nuendo seems to work best with Reaper), quickly switch the fader to a MIDI CC mode for automating plugin parameters. It would allow similar functionality to the "flip" feature found in Pro Tools with their controllers. Would be huge for quickly writing automation for plugin parameters. Please consider adding this! Thank you!
+7 votes
answered May 7, 2019 by duncanthum (330 points)
I would also like to see this feature implemented!
+7 votes
answered Jul 12, 2019 by diogobrochmann (290 points)
Please, that would be great!
+9 votes
answered Aug 12, 2019 by jimmiewilliams (430 points)
reshown Aug 12, 2019 by jimmiewilliams
Please add this feature for the single Faderport.  This is the main reason I purchased this product.
+4 votes
answered Sep 23, 2019 by alextorok (430 points)
This would be tremendously helpful.
+7 votes
answered Jan 8, 2020 by arlansunnarborg (370 points)
edited Jan 8, 2020 by arlansunnarborg
I am, quite frankly, stunned that this basic functionality is apparently not possible. With EW Play Hollywood Orchestra virtual instruments running in Pro Tools, the Mod Wheel, CC 01, is king to shape a musical phrase. Small comfort that the reason I could not configure the single fader slider to control CC 01 appears to be not that I'm incompetent...merely that I'm too nàive and optimistic. Needless to say:  I, also, would rejoice to receive word that this functionality has been worked into a firmware update.
+2 votes
answered Jan 8, 2020 by arlansunnarborg (370 points)
Just completed/edited profile. Here's hoping it is visible to the fine folks at PreSonus.
+4 votes
answered Jul 9, 2020 by alanhood (230 points)
Yes, I agree with Martin, this would be great, it would make it ideal for e.g. expression in MIDI orchestration.

To be honest, I mistakenly expected it as an option, but that's my fault for not checking the spec before I bought one.
+3 votes
answered Jul 19, 2020 by benreaves (11,480 points)
I've wanted extended functionality from my Faderport Classic for a long time, and being a prospective Faderport 1 customer, this would be a really useful feature to have. Beyond the Control Link facility in Studio One, this would make the Faderport 1 a MUCH more attractive tool for composers and producers, because it can be more flexible in more situations than just volume automation.

Maybe this could be extended out to being able to assign functions or additional controls to other parts of the controller as well? For instance, how there is a "User" button on the Faderport Classic, but it is not assignable, at least properly, in Studio One. I think this specific request could be the doorway to creating an entirely new way to use the Faderport 1.
+2 votes
answered Oct 24, 2020 by blakerobinson2 (980 points)
I still can't believe this isn't implemented - seems like basic functionality!
+5 votes
answered Dec 21, 2020 by marcfonseka (250 points)
Dear PreSonus Team

This product gets sold in most stores under the category "Midi-Controller". I just purchased the FaderPort (single Fader) in the belief, its a MIDI controller. So please release this firmware update for it to be handled as a MIDI controller ASAP! PLEASE! Need it to control my Home Office setup during COVID, so it is really important to me. Such a nice product, would be a pity to send it back. Thank you.
+4 votes
answered Jan 12, 2021 by lennonleppert (230 points)
How is this not a thing already?? I'm trying to use the faderport v2 with Spitfire to control basic dynamics. I could do this 15 years ago on my Mackie control! How is this even a problem in todays world of tech???
+3 votes
answered Jan 23, 2021 by scottbowley (230 points)

I just bought a Faderport v2 specifically to be able to have some tactile control for automating midi parameters in Pro Tools. With the dedicated buttons for Touch, Write and Read I just assumed a core purpose for the Faderport was to easily control automation. It didn't cross my mind that the fader would literally only be able to control volume and pan automation. I suppose it's my fault for not reading up about the product more. Is this functionality that could easily be added via some kind of software or firmware update does anyone know? I'll hang onto the controller if it is but if not, unfortunately it's just not going to be of much use to me so will send it back.

+2 votes
answered Feb 5, 2021 by huckwalton (190 points)
Yes please! My recommendation would be to assign a shift button in channel mode to send CC information from the fader to the automation sequencer when that automation lane is visible. Just a humble opinion.
+2 votes
answered Feb 7, 2021 by gianlucabertasi (360 points)

I have a solution to record Midi cc note expression with Faderport V2 and Cubase 11.
First of all, you have to disconnect as Mackie Control then go to the channel and put the PreSonus as midi input.
select the track
go to inspector
note expression
on the IN column select PITCH BEND (PB) for what you want to record, for instance, CC 11 Expression.
then you can record your midi CC with your fader. the bad news is you can't use other functionality of the faderport.

the problem is that Cubase identifies the fader of the faderport as Pitch Bend so you can't configure it in the generic device.

if anybody has a better solution, please let me know.
I Hope Presonus will update it soon to control midi cc with the fader.

+5 votes
answered Feb 13, 2021 by matthewcordle (240 points)
Adding my voice to this feature request - I just bought a FaderPort for the same reason, believing that I'd be able to assign the fader to Expression. From what I've just read, this has been added as a feature in the 8 & 16 port versions, but not the single. :-(
0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2021 by rosswhitney (150 points)
Having CC control in Pro Tools would be incredibly useful -- in fact, what I thought FaderPort v2 would be able to do when I bought it. Please add this capability if possible!
0 votes
answered Feb 16, 2023 by rozaptc (140 points)
It is incredible that this missing functionality is not documented clearly. You only find 100s of posts in different forums asking for this basic function which any midi controller with ⅓ of the price has.

The device is virtually useless with only one fader and no possibility to assign. The buttons work fine but I already have those on my keyboard.
+1 vote
answered Nov 12, 2023 by barrylew (180 points)
It is going to be 2024, presonus please add this feature for the single fader.
0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2024 by vitaliistepchenko (740 points)
They've added it to Faderport 8 and 16, but this one would be too good and cheap, if there is such functionality. So it will never happen I guess. Too bad.