Questions & Answers

How do I ALL the drums show up in the TRACK view for EZ DRUMMER?

0 votes
asked Feb 9, 2020 in Studio One 4 by richardkletty (480 points)
one instance of ez drummer. I can see all the individual drums in the mixer view but not in the track view. How do I get all the drums into the track view?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2020 by cdricblanqui (7,530 points)

Not sure about your problem but if you see the individual in the mixer view of EZ, then you have to define in this same view different outputs so you'll get different tracks.

0 votes
answered Feb 23, 2020 by aka_busker (32,890 points)
At the top of the Ezdrummer window, look for the mixer.  Select all channels, right click and select "multi out".

At the top of the window for the VST interface, you have inputs and output.  (They look like two arrows).  The right arrow is your input (atom pad, keyboard etc).  The left arrow is the outputs.  Click this and a drop down menu opens with check boxes, with the first one selected as "EZ1".  Tick all the boxes and close the menu.  You should have the same number of channels available.  They'll be labelled "Ez1,ez2, Ez3".  
0 votes
answered Aug 26, 2023 by rogerbaker2 (180 points)
Hi Richard: These answers obviously did not answer your question. I've been wondering the same thing: I can see all the separate EZ drummer tracks in the console but can't figure out how to see them the in arranger window. Did you ever figure this out or get and answer? Please advise. Thank you.