Questions & Answers

How do I set pitch bend to more than 2 semitones in Studio one 4?

0 votes
asked Feb 12, 2020 in Studio One 4 by chrishopwood (150 points)
IO can see the pitch bend function in the Editor, but the range is fixed to + or - 1. How do increase the range please?

regards, Chris

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 14, 2020 by tothrec (32,330 points)
selected Feb 16, 2020 by chrishopwood
Best answer
<TLDR>Check your MIDI instrument's Pitch Bend settings</TLDR>

I pulled in Presence.  It defaults to pitch up of 2 and pitch down of 2.

I changed them to 4 and 4.

Recorded a couple notes

Pressed F2 to open the editor and clicked on the Pitch Bend tab.

I see that pitch bend for MIDI is not in terms of steps, but a range from -100 to +100 (at least how it is represented in Studio One).

That tells me that you use the *instrument's* setting to determine how much of a pitch shift +20% is.

Does that help?

0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2020 by alexleontuev (430 points)

введите MIDI данные: Сh100,0; Ch101,0​; Ch6,0...12 

(0=0 тонов; 1=0,5 тона; 2=1 тон; 3=1,5 тона и т.д. .... 12=12 полутонов). Удачи!

0 votes
answered Apr 24, 2024 by hanshubers (160 points)
If you want to change the amount of pitchbend of an existing tone in the editor, then you find in the automation section that with the paint tool you can add pitchbend between +100 and -100 percent, but percent of what? It turns out that you can set the amount of semi-tones in the instrument when you show the keyboard by hitting the keyboard button and then to the left of the keyboard you find a button where you can set the amount of pitchbend.