Questions & Answers

Can you organize Impact drum kits into folders?

+1 vote
asked Mar 6, 2020 in Studio One 4 by ray19335 (2,800 points)
In the Instrument Browser, Impact (and other instruments) have long lists of preset. Can I make sub-folders to organize these?

For example, I want folders for Impact kit types: R&B, Hip Hop, Acoustic, Jazz, Country, Rock, etc. and the ability to drag kits into these folders.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2021 by joemurray2 (630 points)
I am looking right now but please somebody needs to do this. If it is not possible it is mess trying to keep everything together.
0 votes
answered Oct 1, 2023 by joemurray2 (630 points)
How is this voted so low! It's a few months before 2024. The samples are adding up. I know I can keep them on file but I would rather make my own kits.
0 votes
answered Oct 1, 2023 by joemurray2 (630 points)
I found out how only took a few years LOL. You have to right click on the default preset then click move to new folder ,then name the folder "rock" "rap" etc. The only way to make a subfolder is to move default into a new folder.