Questions & Answers

3rd party plugins

–1 vote
asked Mar 29, 2020 in Studio One 4 by joaopereira4 (110 points)
I use cubase for almost 18 years now, but i get a discount code from Presonus to buy the Studio One 4 Artist.

I download the "prime" version first and I realy like Studio One because is very similar to cubase, so the change was about to be easy, when i was about to purchase the Artist version i saw that I have to purchase an add on to use 3rd party plugins...

C'mon Presonus, really? I understand the Prime version (free) don't have that, but in a paid version too?

I know the price of the Artist version is way cheaper then other daws, but I change my mind very fast about the purchase and i probably was gonna buy the professional version in the future.

(Yes, i know with the Pro version you dont need that add on to get the 3rd party plugins to work)

I talk with 4 friends off mine and they dont bought the Studio One either for the same reason.

Its a shame..I really want to change to Studio One.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 29, 2020 by Bbd (14,370 points)
The VST support for Artist normal price is $79.99.

You might try the pro version to see all the other features you get.