Questions & Answers

How do I connect my mic?

0 votes
asked Apr 4, 2020 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by kimberlyorton (120 points)
When I open Studio One, a message pops up and says "Failed to open Speakers (AudioBox USB 96). Failed to open Line (AudioBox USB 96). Please make sure that the speaker configuration is set to stereo. Please make sure that the sample rates of your recording and playback devices match."

The speakers aren't connected because I didn't get the cords that connected them to the AudioBox when I ordered it, I need to contact Amazon (where I bought it from) or PreSonus to get the cords. But the mic is the big problem. It either isn't connecting or isn't turning on. I have used the blue cord to plug it into the AudioBox into the 2nd slot that says "Mic/Inst" because that's where I saw it plugged in on the instruction manual, but I don't hear anything coming out of it. What do I do?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 22, 2020 by mihaiafloarei (140 points)
i have the same problem