Questions & Answers

Headphones level linked to channel Pan

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asked Apr 4, 2020 in Studio One 3 by batistepannetier (120 points)

I use a Studio one 3 version linked to a Studio 192.

Simple situation:

 - Single input: 1 microphone.

 - Main output set on "phones 1 Left and right'


 - If the "Pan" button for my channel is on <C>, i can't hear anything on my headphones, recording or listening to the result.

 - If the "Pan" button for my channel is on <R> or <L>, i can perfectly hear everything around me while recording or listening to the result.

If I export my work, the sound level will be the same in both cases (but with the pan on 1 side, the sound will be only on one side...)

Can someone explain this to me?
