Questions & Answers

An unexpected error occurred in this application or one of its plug ins

0 votes
asked Apr 9, 2020 in Studio One 3 by jordanneale (170 points)
edited Apr 9, 2020 by jordanneale
All of a sudden getting this error message when opening and playing any Studio One 4 project on Win 10. It'll play for a few seconds then crash which brings the error message up. Everything still operates but nothing will play back without crashing. Have tried re-installing Audiobox driver but still the same and can't find any particular plug-in that is is causing it to crash. I recently installed a trial version of melodyne which has been working fine, thought it could be that, have uninstalled and still the same. I have the DMP files but cant read them and can't see where to upload them? Cheers

1 Answer

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answered Apr 10, 2020 by Bbd (14,370 points)
Please contact Support about your issue.

You may need to reinstall Studio One. You should also try start with no plugins and start adding them to see if one of then is the culprit.
asked Apr 10, 2020 in Studio One 4 by jordanneale (170 points) Issue Resolved