Questions & Answers

Compressor pedal for Ampire (v4.6)

+4 votes
asked Apr 12, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by tommikujala (7,610 points)
Any chance for adding a compressor pedal for Ampire and pedalboard? Compressor is essential for cleaner sounds, and it would be awesome to dial it in straight inside ampire.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 12, 2020 by Bbd (14,370 points)
I too would love to see a compressor pedal plug for Ampire.
0 votes
answered Aug 21, 2022 by jasminecharl (140 points)

Tom is right, I ran Amazon Compressor Guitar Pedal through a small collection of pedals. For the audiophiles and gear heads, This page will share depth detail about it.  I played this pedal through a variety of amps using decent quality plugs, some higher end, some garden variety connections, etc. As anyone can tell you, your sound quality is only as good as the weakest cable, or piece of gear, in the chain.
