Questions & Answers

Can I populate an empty instrument track with chord data from the chord track?

+3 votes
asked May 8, 2020 in Studio One 4 by jerryconnolly (1,230 points)
I would like to use the chord track in a manner that is different from how it is presented in the user manual.  Rather than modifying a chord sequence that already exists in my instrument track, I would like to populate an empty instrument track (one that currently has no note data in it).  I know the manual says you must have notes in the instrument track to apply data from the chord track.  I'm trying to take a "lead sheet" approach to creating an instrument track.  Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance.

(I did try this - I input one continuous chord in the instrument track that spanned the entire song length but the chord track only transferred the chord from the first bar into the entire song.)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 11, 2020 by frankvestfall (570 points)

Try to make the chord you put in a bar or a beat long then duplicate it throughout the song, then turn on follow chords (narrow) and it should do what you want.

If you have one continuous chord the pitches are only set at their start location, the program does not attempt to chop up you notes, just modify any pitches as note start according to the chord track.

