Questions & Answers

Setting up my alesis drum set with Studio One 4.

+3 votes
asked May 9, 2020 in Studio One 4 by venom2010 (150 points) 1 flag

So I have an Alesis Strike Pro Se kit, I am trying out different VST to see which I like (EZ Drummer 2 currently). So I have set the kit up and everything works fine when I run the VST as a standalone program, but when I run it in Studio One I get nothing except A midi meter, which I guess reads pressure but that is it, much like the other guy that posted already.

I have looked for drivers, went through all of the settings and I can only think there is something I am missing inside of Studio One itself. My ATOM runs it fine, but that does not help me lol

I personally think it is either EZDrummer and I can not use it in Studio One to run the MIDI signal from the kit or I missed something in studio one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been at this for about 6-7 hours and I could throw it out the window...I miss my Acoustic kit lol

Windows 10 64 bit.

Studio One 4 Pro (Latest Version)

Audiobox 1818vsl

Alesis Strike Pro Module